Things To Do on Sunday for a Better Monday

The school year is almost over, but it's never too late to adopt a new habit! Today, I'll be sharing some things you can do on Sunday to make your Monday feel a little less Monday-ish.

1. Clear the tabs on your computer and phone

  • Mondays are a fresh start to the week, so de-clutter and get focused by closing out/deleting old items on your computer and phone.
(Phone case by Dabney Lee Designs)

2. Clean out your bag

  • I don't know about you, but I accumulate the weirdest things in my backpack throughout the week, as it is literally a catch-all for my life. I like to dump everything out on my floor, throw away what I don't need, and then put everything back into its respective pockets.
3. Drink lots of water

  • I like to get a little bit of extra hydration on Sunday to recover from the weekend. I usually will make a cup of detox tea or some lemon water!

4. Prepare Monday's breakfast

  • Not only will making breakfast the night before give you a yummy reason to get out of bed, it will give you a little bit of extra time come Monday morning. (More morning tips from me here!)

5. Lay out your outfit the night before

  • Don't spend Monday looking like you threw on whatever was on top of your drawer (because most likely you will!), lay out what you plan to wear in advance.

6. Rest up!

  • Personally, I find it hard to sleep on Sunday nights because I sleep late in the morning. However, it will make all the difference if you cozy into bed a little early- with a good book or something else without a screen. Because after all, Sunday is the day of rest!

Follow these tips, and you will be ready to crush Monday.

Stay sunny (& good luck on exams),

1 comment

  1. Hi Meg! For some ideas on different detox teas to try, take a look at my blog at Lots of ideas over there :)


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